The TSC trolley measures track geometry. The measurement
results include values of track gauge, cant, horizontal and vertical irregularities along with the calculated gradient and twist parameters.
Track measurement
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Trolley with prism for Total Station. The standard trolley keyboard software is extended to handle the additional measurement files.
The gauge has many operational advantages. Low weight (about 30 kg) makes fast removal from the track possible to let the train pass, next, immediate continuation of the measurements is possible without any calibration. The track gauge may be folded easily and transported even in a small car. The gauge electronic memory can store up to 15 km of thetrack length measurement results, which is equivalent to the single shift measuring capability of the gauge.
The gauge has many operational advantages. Low weight (about 30 kg) makes fast removal from the track possible to let the train pass, next, immediate continuation of the measurements is possible without any calibration. The track gauge may be folded easily and transported even in a small car. The gauge electronic memory can store up to 15 km of thetrack length measurement results, which is equivalent to the single shift measuring capability of the gauge.
Prism mounting
Mounting for the prism is provided on the TEC trolley where it can be seen from the Total Station's lens at all time.
Special keyboard
The TEC keyboard software is extended to assign identification numbers to the generated measurement files.
PC software
Software for the PC platform, supplied with the trolley makes it possible, among others, calculation of the track gauge gradient, track twist, and recalculation of the measured vertical and horizontal irregularities to 10 m long chords. Tabular printout of the measurement results is possible, with marking the mileage values where faults observed by the operator occurred, printout of the measurement results as plots, and also calculation of the synthetic indices W5 and J, employed - according the Polish State Railways - for evaluation of the track geometry quality. Delivery of the software for processing the track gauge measurement results according to requirements of other railways is also possible.
Dedicated PC software carries out the following tasks:
- PC software makes it possible to enter the surveyor's X, Y, and Z corrections for the location of the prism centre in respect to the track axis in the measured section.
- Reading the Total Station measurement data files.
- Total Station measurement data is synchronised with the TEC measurement data using the identification numbers.
- Total Station measurement data with prism positions is recalculated into the position of track axis, right and left rail.
- The calculated measurements are exported into the GENIO (TXT) format file - compatible with MX-rail system (other formats are also available).
- Z-values may be combined with vertical irregularities.
- X and Y-values may be combined with horizontal irregularities.
- Versines can be calculated for various track lengths in vertical (lift) and horizontal planes (shift).
Extended TEC report
- XY-plot is generated taking into account the shift value
- XZ-plot is generated taking into account the lift value
Measurement results can be exported in the text format to 3D CAD systems for railway line design, like MX-Rail system, or to other systems.
Mileage measurement increment | 0.5 m |
Gauge range | 1420 ÷ 1485; resolution: 0.1 mm |
Cant range | ±200 mm; resolution: 0.1 mm |
Vertical irregularities | ±4 mm / 1 m; resolution 0.1 mm |
Horizontal irregularities | ±5 mm / 1 m; resolution 0.1 mm |